Picks and Shovels: The Golden Age for Service Providers to PE Firms is Now
Metaphorically speaking, a company is said to be in the picks and shovels business if they are providing derivative goods and services in support of entities engaged in some primary activity.
February 23, 2021/by Mark Gartner
How PE Firms Can Use Content Marketing to Source Deals
Content marketing is growing in importance for private equity. The logic goes something like this:
January 7, 2021/by Mark Gartner
Creative Destruction: How Private Equity BD May Change Forever
The pandemic is stress testing everything, and COVID-19 may finally kill several BD strategies already in decline.
September 3, 2020/by Mark Gartner
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: Themes & Sectors to Watch During and After COVID-19
I just read (and re-read) an article that suggests a third of Americans are now showing signs of clinical anxiety or depression according to Census Bureau data from May of 2020.
July 14, 2020/by Mark Gartner
What Investors Want to See in an MSP
Something is up in the world of IT services. Investors are flocking to MSPs like the salmon of Capistrano.
May 6, 2020/by Mark Gartner
This Too Shall Pass: A Message of Hope to Business Owners from Private Equity
To date, Coronavirus has claimed over 95,000 lives globally across 209 countries, the Dow Jones has lost approximately 20% of its value from a peak in February1, businesses across all sectors have been forced to furlough and/or lay off employees and, in some cases, close, and most states have ordered residents to remain at home to slow the rate of infection.
April 8, 2020/by Mark Gartner
Back to School: The Current Opportunity to Invest in Private Preschools
The basic definition of a “do well by doing good” industry is one where you can achieve financial success as a result of owning or operating a business that benefits society.
March 2, 2020/by Mark Gartner
Why Private Equity Likes Founder and Family Owned Businesses
If you speak with a lower middle market private equity fund about what they look for in an investment, their comments will often include something like, “We like to invest in founder- or family-owned businesses.”
December 18, 2019/by Mark Gartner